The Book of Life Ritual

With your union begins a new chapter in the story of your lives. A beautiful romance written in your own shared language, which needs a new, blank page to start with.
The Book of Life is a blank book, ready to be filled with your own novel, written together as partners in marriage: beautiful adventures, important dates, favorite quotes, love notes, funny stories and whatever else life may bring your way.

A meaningful way to include it in your ceremony as a ritual, is to open it together and write the first line – one each or complete a sentence together, while I explain the profound meaning behind those simple gestures and how they’re related to your story. You can also snap an instant photo of the moment and paste it on the first page.
And you can also leave it at your guests’ disposal for the rest of the day, as a guest book, or keep it all for yourselves to fill.

Add a twist to this ritual by ordering a hand-crafted book, for you exclusively, with your names on it or whatever symbol or quote that is meaningful to you.

If you love this ritual and think it might be the perfect fit for your ceremony, let me know! I’ll be happy to explain more about how it unfolds.
